Unusual Employment Legislation Around The Globe
One of the fascinating aspects of expanding globally is discovering how everything is different compared to being in a local sphere. A different culture and way of life are always intriguing to watch. However, finding out how unusual some employment laws and legislations are will leave you stunned beyond your imaginations.
As intriguing as these employment laws are, it is understandable that there is usually a cultural influence backing them up. The government made them in the best interest of their citizens. Therefore, when considering having a business setup or hiring from these countries, it is advisable to know these laws and respect them no matter how bizarre they may seem.
I have collated some of the most unusual employment legislation worldwide for your considerations when expanding internationally.
Japan — Pulling out the tape measure for employees’ waistline and Beards are prohibited.
Japan has so many exciting and unusual employment laws. But amongst the unique employment laws, there are two that seem to occupy the pole position.
Law A: The waistline measure for employees
To check health risks and reduce the number of overweight citizens, the government introduced the Metabo Law, making organizations measure the waistlines of its employees aged 40 to 75. If the employees’ waistline measure exceeds the recommended figures, they are subjected to a diet guide for six months. Organizations that fail in evaluating their employees and are found guilty will pay fines.
Law B: Beards and all forms of facial hair is prohibited
In the Municipality of Isesaki, having beards or any form of facial hair is unpleasant and therefore banned. For male employees, they must be clean-shaven.
Belgium — The right to travel
There is a thing called Career Break in Belgium. This law makes it possible for Belgian employees to take a break for a year and not lose their job. During this break, the employees are entitled to their allowances and guaranteed their position on their return.
Saudi Arabia — Only Women can be workers at lingerie shops
Following the public’s discomfort with women buying underwear from men, the regulation allowed only women workers in lingerie shops. This law was enacted as a rousing campaign grew stronger on Social Media. This law’s benefit is how it creates an opportunity for over 40,000 ordinary Saudi women to be employed. Before this law, only the female educated elite had jobs in professional fields such as medicine and government.
Germany — Work is strictly 9–5; anything beyond that is illegal.
Germany has a reputation for its incredible work ethic. However, in the German labor ministry, the law banned managers from contacting the workers outside work hours. The ministry says that government put the law in place to prevent staff from suffering from undue stress by working overtime. Outside emergencies, the ministry directors have no right to call or text their staff.
China — Women are prohibited from working jobs the government deems “physically demanding.”
It may be called gender bias anywhere on earth, but not in China. China has laws that aim to protect women based on their biology. Jobs like mining, timber logging are deemed physically demanding, unfit, and prohibited for women, thereby reserving these jobs solely for men.
Madagascar — No work for women at night
In Madagascar, women are prohibited from working at night. Regardless of their age, women are forbidden from taking up any job in any industrial establishment, even if they are of charitable or professional nature. The only exception to this law is if the establishment is family-owned.
Portugal — No right to fire an employee
In Portugal, it is illegal to fire an employee. The Portuguese law ensures that termination of employments follows very strict rules and demands. However, employers can offer resignation with its benefits in the hopes the employee agrees.
Italy — Employees’ poor performance, not a big deal
Around the world, a series of consistent poor performances can be a basis for work termination but not in Italy. In Italy, an employer has no right to dismiss a worker based on poor performance. The only reason for which dismissal on the basis of poor performance is lawful in Italy is when the employee in question has performed below the average performances of his colleagues with the same job title and description and if it is due to the employees own negligence.
The Philippines — The 13th Month salary is mandatory.
There are 12 months in a year, we know. However, in the Philippines, there is a law that compels employers to pay the 13th salary as a yearly bonus. This salary is the equivalent of the regular wage due to the worker. This may be the most amusing law so far.
As intriguing as these laws are, breaking them due to ignorance is costly — both financial and time-wise. As an organization expanding into new territories, it is advisable to be aware of the land’s legislation and not fall short of being compliant with the region’s laws and regulations.
There are third-party organizations that offer policy compliance to organizations looking to expand into new places. These organizations are called Employer of Record (EOR), and they assist in ensuring the hiring organization remains compliant with the laws of the new region. Many trustworthy global players such as Skuad, Velocity Global, and Globalization Partners have a track record of excellence. For any organization looking to expand and remain compliant, these platforms are the safest bet.